Strategic Growth
The Situation
An IT consultant and software development company wanted to expand the business geographically, as well as through new and recurring customer acquisition. The company needed help identifying those market segments that not only view IT as an integral part of their business strategy, but also have a high proportion of related spending.
In addition, the company had plans to open up a new location in the Western market. Located on the East Coast, the company was unaware of the local competitive landscape, and needed information to help evaluate its decision to expand.
Patty’s information was very important to our growth strategy.
Our Unique Approach
The company realized that its value proposition surrounds the problems that it is able to solve for its customers; however, it was unsure of the industry verticals most in need of its services. Access/Information was able to identify the industries with the highest level of IT spending to revenue, the top concerns of CIOs, IT purchasing priorities, and even down to which departments within these industries where increasing their IT budgets.
To help our client better understand it prospective expansion market, we conducted research to identify potential regional competitors operating in the space, as well as their service and product offerings. Furthermore, we provided data on the local economy and the industry sectors that are growing. As a result, the client was able to see not only what its competitors were doing and how it could differentiate, but also incorporate the market segment data provided with those targeted sectors growing in that area.