Knowing more about your competitors provides an advantage when making decisions about your business operations and strategies. Competitive intelligence reports are one of the most common requests at Access/Information and a previous blog explains why this data is so important.

Other types of company profiles can be useful in developing your company’s plans. An in-depth company profile is an excellent way to understand potential business partners, acquisitions or prospective clients.

A company profile provides details on the company’s structure, key executives, products and services and representative clients. Financial details such as revenue, credit rating and number of employees can help determine stability and profitability. SEC filings and annual reports are available for public companies. A profile may also contain data on industries or geographic locations served and representative clients, as well as information on special services or certifications that the company can provide.

Looking at how the company represents themselves to potential customers can also be useful to identify market differentiators. To identify some of these details, press releases, newsletters, blogs and social media interactions may all be reviewed depending on the type of company and whether their focus is B2B or B2C. A digital assessment of the company’s website can provide a benchmark comparison to your own company’s online presence and marketing strategies.

How would a company profile help you in your business operations? Contact us for assistance.