Businesses in the information age need to be aware of the value and importance of micro influencers. Micro influencers are reshaping the digital marketing landscape. Also known as influencer marketing, this form of advertising has become a power hitter in online advertising. According to consultant, Rhett Power “92% of people seek referrals from sources that they trust” and consultant Tom Ward says “71% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase based on a social media reference.”

Micro influencers are public relations content co-creators that build a customer base around industry niches. They interact with clients through media networks beyond the reach of traditional forms of marketing. As a result, micro influencers have tremendous impact and reach.

“Businesses of all sizes across the world are leveraging the help of influencers for their B2B marketing. B2B influencer marketing is a cheap and efficient way to create successful marketing campaigns spanning a variety of marketing channels without investing a huge amount of time into them”. – Murray Newlands, Business Adviser

Furthermore, B2B companies are discovering how they can grow faster than expected with influencer marketing. According to Influencer Marketing Hub, B2B companies should be advertising through influencers because:

  • “People buy from people – we all know this, so why don’t we leverage it?
  • People want to see content that relates to them, not you
  • People research, more than you think
  • People are more likely to buy if they come to you
  • People will read your content, they just have to know it exists”

This kind of uniquely targeted marketing can benefit other types of businesses, such as law firms.

“By putting yourself in a position where micro-influencers promote your law firm, this accomplishes three important things. First, it provides instant exposure that would be difficult to attain on your own. Second, it makes it easier for prospects to trust you. By having a third party validate your law firm and show that they trust you, it’s much easier to get their audience and potential clients on board.”Nick Mann, Best Legal Practices

Locating micro influencers in your industry and getting started using influencer marketing to promote your brand, B2B company, or firm can be quick and easy. How might your bottom line benefit from influencer marketing?